General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale (T&Cs)

Article 1 - Presentation of Genezys SAS
Genezys SAS is a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) with capital of €24,670.34 (twenty four thousand six hundred and seventy euros and thirty four cents), registered in the Grenoble Trade and Companies Register under number 920 557 287, with registered office at 93 cours Berriat, 38000 Grenoble, France.

The contact address is:

The Company "Genezys SAS" offers the design, publishing, development, marketing and operation of IT solutions for community engagement services in the sports field, in particular through the issuance of digital goods or digital assets mainly secured by blockchain technology.

Its platform, "Genezys SAS", offers : 
  • issuance in a gallery ("Primary Market"),
  • the exchange, purchase and sale via a marketplace ("Secondary Market") of digital cards called "Fancards", as well as other digital assets.
Article 2 - Essential features of the Genezys platform
The general conditions of use and sale (GCU/CGV) described below detail the rights and obligations of Genezys SAS and its customers (platform users) in the context of transactions carried out on the Genezys marketplaces; primary and secondary markets. All services provided by Genezys SAS imply the unreserved acceptance of the present general terms and conditions by the client-buyer.
Article 3 - Purchase of Fancards and Other Digital Goods
The Customer selects the product he/she wishes to purchase on the platform. Offers are valid as long as they are visible in the gallery (primary market) or the marketplace (secondary market between users), within the limit of available stocks.

The act of purchase, which constitutes the formation of the sales contract between Genezys SAS and the user, will only be considered valid after full payment of the price in effect at the time of the transaction.

The Fancard purchased in this way is visible in the platform user's portfolio (My collection). 
Article 4 - Prices on the Primary Market (Gallery)
The prices of goods sold on the Genezys gallery are those in effect on the day the order is placed. They are denominated in euros and include all taxes. They will be increased by applicable fees, i.e. blockchain registration and transaction costs on the day the order is placed. Genezys SAS reserves the right to modify its prices at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice goods already ordered at the prices indicated when the order is registered.

The proposed prices include any discounts, rebates and other commercial operations that Genezys SAS may grant as part of its commercial policy.
Article 5 - Prices on the Secondary Market (Marketplace)
5.1 The user may decide to sell one or more of his Fancards or other digital goods on the so-called Secondary Market (marketplace). To do so, the user sets the price and publishes an "ad". The sale will be opened on the Marketplace. Any agreement with a view to the transaction takes place between two users of the platform: the seller and the buyer, to the exclusion of the platform in question (see 5.4).

5.2 Any user who does not sell their Fancard(s) within the above-mentioned time limit will see his listing expire. The person must then repeat the operation if they wish to sell the Fancard unsold during the previous attempt.

5.3 When the user acquires Fancards on the secondary market place (marketplace), fees and service charges will be applied and explicitly indicated prior to any transaction validation. Genezys reserves the right to change the amount of its service fees at any time.

5.4. Genezys SAS does not intervene in the transaction between two users of the platform. Neither does Genezys SAS act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer on the secondary market. The latter have sole control over and responsibility for the supply and demand thus organized, and for the evaluation of the price. Thus, Genezys SAS has no control over the value, relevance and/or fairness of the prices offered by a seller. Any non-professional user may sell on the marketplace. They are responsible for all applicable taxes and levies due in connection with the transaction they enter into with a Buyer.

5.5. Genezys reserves the right to withdraw any listing for sale on the marketplace in the event of non-compliance by the seller concerned with these GTC/CGV or if the seller is subject to a service restriction or temporary or permanent account suspension.

5.6 The user is solely responsible for the amounts paid. Genezys SAS shall not be held responsible for the result expected by the user, of which it is unaware.
Article 6 - Payment Methods
Payment for orders is made by credit card, using the secure STRIPE protocol.
Article 7 - Contract Terms and Conditions
Only natural persons who are legally capable and have reached the age of majority in their country of residence (18 in France) may create an account and make successive purchases and sales on the platform.

To use the service, users log in via the application. He/she registers by entering the mandatory information indicated on the form: civil status, surname, first name, e-mail address, cell phone number.

The platform cannot be used without the prior creation of a user account including the provision of :
  • a user name, free of any rude or offensive character, associated with all uses of the platform
  • an e-mail address, 
  • a telephone number.

Users register free of charge and on their own behalf, never on behalf of a third party (e.g. minors).

Finally, it is specified that Fancards are acquired without the aim of investment and/or capital gain, although they may be resold. They do not generate a direct or indirect financial return or have a similar economic effect.
Article 8 - Dispute Settlement: Competent Court and Possibility of Recourse to a Mediator
Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general terms and conditions of sale is subject to French law. Failing amicable resolution, the dispute will be referred to a mediator pursuant to the order of August 20, 2015, the referral procedure can be found on these links: (France) (EU).

Failing mediation, the Grenoble Commercial Court will have jurisdiction over the dispute.
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